Drunken Thoughts of a Mad Man

i woke up today,

drowsy and irritable.

another long night had passed

filled with

strangers and booze.

the room displayed an assortment of misplaced items

a labyrinth translucently veiling the events

of the previous night.


i spot several empty liquor bottles


the broken pieces glittering

in the harsh sunlight.

a sigh of relief escapes my lips

as i eye the crumpled condoms

mere inches away from

the trashcan.


same shit, different day

nothing ever changes.

i think of the many years

many days

many hours

i have left

wasting my life away

with cheap whores and bottles of liquor.

fucking, and drinking,

and writing.


i look out at the morning rays

bursting through the curtains

and hear a rooster crow

marking the start of the day.

the absentminded and shallow


of this world

will be rising soon to work their

menial 9-5 jobs.


and i sit thinking,

picking up a stale beer from the floor,

drinking to ease my hunger

or at least to help me forget about it.


abruptly, i began

laughing maniacally

at this god-forsaken world.


hysterical laughter

between gulps of beer.

me, in dirty old clothes

with tobacco-stained teeth,

relishing in the fact that

i have it so much better

than all the fools out there.